Meanwhile, In Snow Country

My sister-in-law facebooked some photos of niece and nephew chillin’ in the backyard pool with sun-bonnets, Hawaiian shirts, and inflatable palm trees. They are in Michigan. It is March.

Meanwhile, Mona, Tomoe and I took a walk yesterday exploring one of the roads that goes out back behind the hamlet toward the mountain and out favorite sansai (wild veggie) stashes. Usually the road is not plowed until into April, but there is some construction work on a dam up the river, so it is at least passable by Caterpillar.

Mona has come a long way this winter – from crying to be carried when faced with an inch of snow on the driveway in Michigan, to happily struggling the entire way over treacherous snow, even insisting that I let her dig out her own foot when she gets it stuck.

She is also quite the extreme sledder. Even I was afraid of the 40 degree slope (I’m a wuss when it comes to the possibility of bumping the shoulder that got operated on last year)

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