A Short Walk In Iiyama Part 1

After seeing the visitors off at Iiyama station, I had time to take a three hour stroll around the Temples of Iiyama, this time to take photos.

Published on 6/15/2024
After seeing the visitors off at Iiyama station, I had time to take a three hour stroll around the Temples of Iiyama, this time to take photos.
Published on 6/15/2024
Published on 6/11/2024
Taking a mid-day spin though neighboring Tsunan Town.
Published on 6/2/2024
The rice is planted. Winter weather has left us. The bikes are out of storage. What more could anyone want?
Published on 6/1/2024
Lilies in the bath at Shinanoso, one of our favorite little family-run hot-spring and ryokan
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