Snow Country Snow Report
The record for deepest snow in Japan at our local station.
The red line at the top is about 7.8 meters. I tend to take a photo each year whenever I happen to be at the station, but since it was a beautiful day, and the snow has already started melting/compacting, I made a special trip to get this years record.

in the last two photos – just for my reference in the future, the snow on the back roof of my house is also as piled up as it has ever been.
Normally I would shovel the snow at the base of the roof, so as it slides down automatically it just falls off into a big pile, but I was gone for two weeks so it was touching the roof.
I shoveled the other day to make the roof clear, but now it is worse than it has ever been. I was out there today trying to clear the snow from the base, but the snow from the top was still falling, and I didn’t want it to fall on top of me.
Will have to go out tomorrow and dig out the base again enough to let the snow on the roof fall off. If I shovel it, there is the chance I am buried in an avalanche. If I don’t shovel it, the back half of my house collapses.

Published on 2/7/2022