Miki & Melony
Took my dog, Miki and my melon, Melony to the paper maker (Kamisukiya in Kijima Daira) because Ueno-san had made some fresh rhubarb jam. I thought maybe she might want some of the 200 jars I have in the house that are looking for a new home. If you are in Japan and make jam, these are prefect size to use to gift people when you visit their house or whatever.

When I got there she had a bus-load of Australian visitors, so I took Miki for a walk around the area. He enjoyed drinking from one of Japan’s 100 famous water. You can see people in the background filling up tanks of water to take home.
Miki loved it so much he jumped right in. I would have let him splash around, but I was not sure if the other people would be offended.

He also, apparently, peed on the boot of one of those old ladies cutting weeds. I did not see it, but one of the tourists told me he did.
He also loved getting so much attention, not just from the tourists, but also some people from the area stopped their car just to pet Miki.

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